Thursday, November 4, 2010

How to integrate pilot controlled check valve for each application of throttle

Pilot controlled check valve in the hydraulic circuit in a wide range of applications, but in the application of this valve should be fully taken into account the characteristics of the valve, otherwise it will create loop instability, especially in the high-pressure system, the reverse pilot controlled check valve P2 mouth open before the high pressure, in order to reduce the hydraulic pressure control system, hydraulic shock and noise, the use of the unloading is also charged with one-way hydraulic spool valve. Unloading hydraulic control valve can be improved the performance of one-way valve, the hydraulic control valve is characterized by one-way, when one-way fluid control valve port K in without the pressure of the oil when the oil pressure can only flow from the oil I P1 I P2 oil can not reverse. When the control I K, when the oil pressure control, oil control piston due to the promotion push, and unloading open top杆顶spool, main spool at the same time open access to P1, P2 two-port, the oil can be in these two directions on the free flow of unloading valve reduces the hydraulic shocks, so that one-way hydraulic control valve performance more stable, but in high-volume high-pressure system is still shocks or noise.

Regular one-way hydraulic control valves used in pressure, pressure relief, locking loop. System pressure as a result of the process of Bulgaria, due to pressure, oil compression, pipeline expansion components can occur, such as elastic deformation energy stored in the relief when a sudden release of renal volume and from the valve-bit digital-to-left when , as the hydraulic cylinder pressure on the cavity, when the inferior vena cava pressure increased unloading valve and main valve to open almost simultaneously, so that the pressure on the cavity through the hydraulic control oil suddenly released into the back of one-way valve circuit. At the same time as a result of these two reasons for the existence of God of relief after packing too fast, resulting in shock and vibration and noise, and we the type of hydraulic circuit has been improved.

As a result of large high-pressure fluid flow control has led to a one-way pressure relief valve too quickly, so that the impact of increasing this in the loop with a throttle valve, so that pilot controlled check valve to open the unloading valve and then open the the main valve, due to throttle the flow with sufficient control to ensure the stability of the minimum flow, easy adjustment, resulting in leakage of small, temperature and pressure on the impact of small, so by adjusting the throttle valve to control the hydraulic cylinders on the cavity of the oil Liquid relief extended time, the pressure will enhance the capacity, the return of hydraulic oil on the impact of the various components and noise. Security has its large high-pressure fluid flow check valve control loop for the same improvement, the results can satisfy the requirements of control does not affect the speed of the piston. 

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